Best ways to fight stress in everyday life

Stress can make one's life a whole lot harder. When you are worried and nervous, the cortisol (stress' hormone) level goes dangerously high. As a side effect - you may fall into depression, insomnia, and you may also develop high blood pressure. It can all affect both your personal and professional life and simply - it will make you unhappy. Luckily, there are some ways, that can help you manage with those feeling.

stressed out man

Why do we stress?

There are many reasons, that might make you nervous. Demanding job, little kids who you love more in the world, but at the same time you would love some time alone, financial problem, trouble in relationship and many more. While the reason of your stress is important, even if you can't actually grip the cause - there are some ways that might be helpful for your body and mind.

Below you can find the best, verified ways to feel better during your everyday life and manage the stress. Check them out and make your life way better and more cheerful!

1. Identify stressors and eliminate them

One of the best ways to get rid of the feeling of constant nervousness and stress is identifying the stressors that cause those feelings. Do you feel nervous about the thought of going to work? Or maybe your personal life and troubles with partner/spouse make you stressed?

The stressor might be a small, even slightly unusual thing. For example, if you don't like one of your further relatives, you might get nervous at the thought of seeing with him/her. Luckily, usually they are quite big issues, such as too many responsibilities at work or in private life, quarrels at home or financial difficulties. The best way to deal with stress is to eliminate the stressor. Keep in mind, that this is a long process - for example, if you get nervous by the amount of responsibilities at your work or the way your boss treats you - if your financial situation doesn't allow it, you obviously can't quit your job suddenly. But what you can do is start looking for a new job, prepare solid resume and actively search for a better employment. We can assure you - it will make you feel way better from day one.

2. Meditate

Meditation is one of the best ways to manage stress in everyday life. That and relaxation excercises performed two or three times a week will make you feel better in just a month or two. Keep in mind though, that if the stressors you can eliminate will stay in your life, you will now feel the full effect of it.

Meditation is an amazing idea for those, who feel stressed by things that are hard to avoid - working everyday (even if the job is good and co-workers are nice) or taking care of the house and family. Usually, this kind of stress it is caused by too high expectations of oneself and the only thing that can be helpful in eliminating this is therapy.

meditation in the meadow

3. Stay active

Physical activity is really helpful when it comes to managing stress. The release of endorphins that occurs during vigorous physical activity might help you to feel better from day one. Remember - it doesn't have to be an intensive workout. You can just spend some time walking, jogging or playing with kids for an hour or so.

If you can manage to do this activity outside your home - even better. Fresh air in combination with endorphins makes you feel better and your body is well-oxygenated, which makes it easier to fall asleep and also improves your mood. In no time you will literally feel the need to keep going. Perhaps you could start with leaving your car in the garage and go to work by bike? If that's too far or you have other responsibilities on the way to work - always choose the stairs instead of the elevator. That's one step closer to staying active!

4. Keep your surroundings tidy

Disorder has a negative impact on well-being, which has been scientifically proven. If you feel anxious and nervous and you don't really have a reason for that - you might want to consider performing a... cleaning of your house and office desk. Removing unnecessary objects and doing basic household chores every day, keeping countertops and floors clean, will also help keep your mind in order.

You would be surprised how much the surroundings and its state affects all of us. If you can't find a stressor in your life (such as your job, personal life, finances, family relations etc.) - it's possible that your mind is reacting to chaos around you. Start with a good clean around the house and see if you actually feel better!

5. Multitasking? No thank you!

While multitasking is highly valued in many jobs, your mind and nerves might suffer, if you try to take too much on yourself. The current pace of life, the multitude of duties and distractions (such as social media, series, etc.) might be really stresfull. To avoid feeling nervous, try to take care of one thing at a time.

If you're taking part in a bigger project at work, to eliminate the unnecessary stress, divide the whole work into smaller parts - steps - and do them one by one. This way you will feel less stressed and you will know for sure, that you are doing everything in your power. What is more, if you have - for example - ten steps in front of you, each of them that you can cross off the list will make you feel calmer.

Try to avoid watching TV, working, taking care of kids, cooking dinner and doing God knows what else at the same time. You will get frustrated and you will get the impression that you are not actually finishing anything on time.

6. Conquer your worries

Problems are normal - despite the fact that some people make it look insocial media, that their life is deprived of difficulties, everyone has some sort of problems. Don't feel ashamed of those, instead - try to conquer them. How?

Find some free time and write down what's bugging you. Write down the worst case scenario that might happen and the best one. It happens, that defining the worst scenario and facing it (even on a piece of paper) makes the whole worry way smaller in your head. Next and final step that you can't forget is making amendts with your problems.They are there and without actions, they aren't going anywhere (and at times, even if you want to do something with them, there is literally nothing you can do). Try to minimalize the damages and move on with your life. It's completely natural, that your life isn't all sunshine and rainbow.

7. Keep breathing

Breathing is one of the relaxation techniques, but there is more to it. It's scientifically proven that if you don't forget to breathe slowly in a stressful situation, you won't get frustrated. It is physically impossible for the body to become nervous when the heart rate and blood pumping speed are not accelerated. So, if someone at work starts to annoy you, keep breathing slowly and steadily. This will definitely help you manage the stress way better!


8. Remember, problems are not stressful - you get stressed with them

Last, but not least, try to keep in mind, that most of your problems exist only in your head. While there is no real reason to get nervous, we still do - that's how human's brain work at times. If you think that might be the case, sit down for a minute and try to figure out, what got you so stressed. Maybe there is nothing to worry about after all?

As you can see, there are many ways to fight with stress. It doesn't matter, whether it's conntected with your personal life, or the problems originate from your work. Try the mentioned above ways of fighting stress and stay healthy, focused and happy for the rest of your life!

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