Modern resume - trends, that you should know!

Before you even get your very first job, you need to prepare an outstanding resume. Years ago, the paper documents with information about the candidate were of secondary importance, and it was not uncommon that... absolutely no one read them. However, in today's world the situation changed completely and the way you prepare your resume has a huge impact on whether you get the job or not. Below, you can find some important tips and trends, which will help you prepare a great modern resume.

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Top elements of a modern Resume and CV:

1. Professional summary in CV

At the end of every modern resume, there should be a professional summary. What to put in there and how to form a summary that will attract the recruiter's attention?

Keep it short, but not brief

The summary should literally sum up the whole resume. Place the most important information there, but don't extend its content unnecessarily. Your main goal is to catch attention of the recruiter and, unfortunately, you have to take into account that before reading the rest of the elements, they might read only the summary first and then decide whether to devote time to your candidacy.

summary in resume

Focus on your assets

Try to pinpoint your assets and the most important pieces of your professional experience. The key words will probably attract the recruiter's attention, making them interested in your application.

However, while pointing at your assets, try to focus on those, that might be useful in your pontential job. For example, you might be really good with MS Office, but if you're applying for a position related to direct customer service - basic knowledge is sufficient when it comes to computer skills. In other words - show your advantages, but matched to the position.

Match the summary to the position you're applying to

Last, but not least, remember that the summary you've sent for a marketing position will not be alright, when you're applying for another position! Treat the recruiter the way you want to be treated by them - individually.

Above everything, keep in mind, that you have only one chance to apply for the job. If you are tired, leave writing the summary (or even whole resume) for the next day. Prepare the documents with enthusiasm and fresh mind!

2. Create a resume suited to the position

Sending one, identical resume to literally every position you're applying might not be a good idea. But don't worry, even if you've done that perviously, after today's article, you will definitely stop and who knows - maybe you will find your dream job?

Why a general resume is a bad idea?

Modern resume should contain all the important information about you, but the data should fit the job you're applying to. Too long, filled with a dozen of irrelevant information for this particular employer resume is a simple way for your application to be rejected at the start.

The recruiter is reading tens (or even hundreds, depending on the size of the company) of resumes everyday. No wonder they are looking for a specific information, but searching for those on a three pages long resume, filled with all the information you could think of is really hard. Fitting resume makes your chances higher and that's the point, right?

How to prepare a good modern resume / CV?

First of all, try to make it brief, but not too short. Include all the important information, but focus only on those, that are relevant for this particular employer. If you want to catch the recruiter's attention, se similar phrases that you found in the job advertisement.

Preparing a fresh resume for every position makes the process of looking for a job a bit longer and more demanding. But keep in mind, that if you really want to find your dream job, you have to catch attention of the potential employer. Your chances to do it with too vague resume are practically non-existant!

3. Add some colours

Again, in comparison to the resumes that were prepared years (or decades, even) ago - you should use many colours. Try to add them in a way, that will let you express your personality, but also, so that they make the data contained in the document more readable.

graphic skills in resume

For example, try marking your assets or jobs and main responsibilities. Check out all the options you can think of and try to balance the aesthetic part with increased data transparency.

Use graphics in a modern resume / CV

Have you ever thought about adding any type of chart into your resume? We bet you haven't, which is a huge mistake! It's one of the best ways to catch attention of the recruiter or your potential boss. The charts are especially useful to show your hard skills, but of course, they have a huge potential to describe your soft skills as well.

Obviously, the charts won't fit into every resume, but they have a huge potential in some industries. Thanks to graphic methods of presenting data, you reach the recipient much better. What is more, most of the people all over the world are visual learners, which means they memorize the data way better, when it's shown with graphics. Thus, you have bigger chances of your resume to be remembered.

4. Give detailed information about your experience

When filling your resume, you want to give a detailed information about your previous or current position. Don't just write "specialist in a specific field" with dates. Instead, try to make some bullet points with your duties at work.

The same goes for your qualifications and trainings. Try to be as specific as you can and if it's possible for the type of trainings you've been through - use some graphic options, such as charts (bar, circular or other that you think will be appropriate). This way, you will catch the recruiter's attention and all the provided data will be easier to be remembered.

5. Work on the graphics

As mentioned earlier, the graphic side is of great importance when creating a resume. Currently, the labor market places great demands on it, so in order for an interview with a recruiter to take place, it is necessary to get his attention.

You can do that using mentioned graphic charts, but the form of your whole resume / CV, fonts, the way the data is listed, their arrangement or even the type of photo used are of key importance. Try to keep all the data as clear and readable as possible, but at the same time try to give it an aestheic form. If you're not really into that kind of actions, just use modern resume template. This way, you will be sure, that you've added all the needed information in a well-chosen graphic form.

6. Don't lie

Even though it might sound a bit peculiar, this is a common practice between people looking for a good job. They tend to add themselves competences or experience, which they do not have. I.e. don't use an unusual hobby to catch the recruiter's eye. What if he is a huge fan of this field and will be able to baffle you by trying to talk about it? Stick to the facts, but try to be as specific as you can. Don't forget about any task you've ever taken, as you never know, what will be found important by the new employer.

If you will stick to our advices, you will most definitely prepare a good, modern resume / CV, especially if you decide to use a template. Good luck finding the job you dream about!

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