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Most likely, everything has been already written about the topic of resumes both on the Internet and in countless manuals that have been published. Given the above, why is that so many resumes sent to employers are of poor quality and of no help to applicants striving to get invited to an interview with the ultimate goal of getting their dream job?
The aim of this website is to allow everyone to write a good and effective professional resume / CV. I would like to show you a few elements of a well-devised resume and share some practical guidelines with you. We also have free editable resume and CV templates Word / Doc to download!
A recruiter (an HR department employee or the company owner) is a person acting on behalf of the employer or her own who has a particular interest in employing the best candidate. She seeks a person who will help the company acquire new clients, provide good customer service, improve sales, optimizes processes, she will operate machines at a plant, implement an IT system or diagnose and solve complex problems. These exemplary tasks require specific skills, knowledge and experience to be performed. And this is the essence of the whole recruitment process. It takes place by the company publishing a job advertisement and waiting for applications from people who meet the above criteria. Your task is to reply to this advertisement using a well-devised resume that will be your showpiece. Your ad.
Reach of the stars! Get your dream job! We have a lot of good tips for you! Additionally ResumeMeet offer Free Microsoft Word CV / Resume templates to download!
There is no good resume that would be suitable for every job offer. The truth is, it is always worth to analyze your document with the specific position you’re applying for in mind. If you’re submitting your applications for positions that are highly similar, you probably won’t take much time to adjust the document to each of them. However, if positions vary, it is worth to adjust the data about you to a given position, so that the recruiter has little doubt as to you’re the suitable candidate and invite you to an interview.
Start from preparing the content, that which is to be the main body. Don’t be concerned about the format; you can download free CV / Resume templates on our website. Prepare the data about you classified into the following categories:
Specify dates (such as Mar 2019 – Jun 2020), names of companies you worked for, names of specific positions and the scope of responsibilities. List all your places of employments and positions in a reversed chronological order, that is, from the oldest to the most recent, to show your career path or simply your professional history.
If you have graduated from college/university recently and in the course of the college/university degree you have completed an internship, put it on the list. If you already have several years of professional experience, time to say goodbye to the data on internship in your resume. Add under each position projects you used to run or participate in (if you’re working in various types of projects).
Describe your role and tasks you fulfilled in a given project, as well as the results you obtained as a team. Show your successes and achievements for each position (example: "I have increased sales by 20% every quarter").
List in the resume schools you graduated from (example: high school, college/university) in reversed chronological order as in the case of experience. Specify the name of the school, college or university and the education level.
Next, list highlight all training courses you participated in. To this end, you can create a new category in the resume. If you have a long employment history, most likely this list will be impressive. What is more, make sure you apply a reversed chronological order. You can also classify training courses according to a field, such as finances, marketing, interpersonal skills (or the so-called ‘soft’ competences). Don’t forget to include your certificates if you have any. If you completed a college/university degree, writing about your high school graduation is irrelevant.
Throughout our lives, we acquire knowledge and practical skills. We acquire knowledge from parents, teachers at specific levels of education, from books, the Internet and also in the course of performing various tasks. List all knowledge elements that are important at the position you are applying for.
Add to this list professional skills and matters related to language, computer software and system skills. When listing technical skills, make sure you specify the level of your fluency (example: intermediate, advanced, fluent/professional).
The element of a resume that is most attention-drawing to a recruiter is professional profile. In a well-devised resume template, professional profile is located at the very top just below personal details and shows your strengths and the degree to which you meet criteria for the position you attempt to get.
Re-read the job offer you would like to respond to. If you meet about 80% of the requirements prepare your resume according to the above guidelines using the free resume template that you can download on our website.
Enter into your professional profile all the information you consider to be of key importance given the position you are applying for. Don’ copy the content of the advertisement; instead, create your own professional profile, that is, your personal summary of the skills, knowledge and experience you have accumulated over time.
Remember that recruiters are very busy people who oftentimes process enormous numbers of resumes for one position. For this reason, usually, they dedicate a few seconds to read (or frankly, to scan) a single resume. There was only one time that I met a recruiter who stated he would typically dedicate about 10 minutes to one applicant; perhaps it was because he had few resumes to review or not many other duties to attend to.
You can write a professional profile either in first or second person. You may also write such a profile in the form of points or as a continuous body of tex. The key maters for a given position can be written in bold to make them better visible for the reader.
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Create a professional resume in a few easy steps. Go to the free online resume builder. Select a resume template, Fill in the blanks, and download your PDF resume / CV to your computer.